Are you the owner of a
Startup or Small Business?

Do you want to optimize your
Productivity, Vision & Results?

BOS-UP, in partnership with Ninety, can help. Together, we empower ambitious organizations to focus, align, and thrive. We do so by helping you learn, implement, and benefit from a innovative, custom-tailored Business Operating System (BOS) – that provides the essential concepts, tools, and disciplines needed to build, run, and scale a successful, resilient company.

Are you the owner of a Startup or Small Business?

Do you want to optimize your Vision, Productivity & Results?

BOS-UP, in partnership with Ninety, can help. Together, we empower leadership teams to build, run, and scale successful companies. We do so by providing a simple, effective, and affordable Workshop solution that helps you quickly learn, implement, and benefit from an innovative, software-powered Business Operating System (BOS), along with the essential concepts, tools, and disciplines that it takes to grow a great company. 

Business Operating System

A Business Operating System (BOS) provides the foundational framework for working ‘on’ your business, and having a consistently healthy and resilient organization.

A strong BOS establishes, manages, and validates your plans, goals, objectives, and key results. It helps ensure that everyone is clearly focused, aligned, and responsible.

It establishes a cohesive and unified recognition for why you exist, where you want to go, who you want to be, what you need to do, and that everything gets done the right way.

When implemented and leveraged correctly, your BOS should be the cornerstone for effective leadership, management, teamwork, and healthy accountability.

For additional insights and helpful resources, click here to access the BOS 101 Webinar from Ninety & BOS-UP.

Bos-up wheel



Move forward together by clarifying, refining, documenting, and then sharing your company’s compelling vision.



Enhance communications and alignment, by seamlessly sharing knowledge, resources, goals, objectives, and results.



Create a culture of trust and accountability by unifying teams into one platform – regardless of their location.



Gain clear lines of sight into individual worlds with a readily-accessible hub that promotes sharing information and communication.



Reduce the hours you waste on boring, unproductive meetings and tracking down missing or lost information.



Give everyone the materials, tools and support they need, to get work done in less time, and with less frustration.

BOS-UP + Ninety Partnership 

Founded in 2022, BOS-UP specializes in the training, coaching, implementation, customization, and optimization of the Ninety Business Operating System (BOS) platform. In addition, our certified coaches also provide complementary business and executive coaching, strategy consulting, and advisory services.

Founded in 2016, Ninety (90) is a venture-capital backed, award-winning software company, with over 200+ employees, 13,000+ customers, 250K+ users, in 50+ countries. Ninety’s flagship BOS platform (90os), is an innovative BOS solution that simplifies building great organizations, by helping teams work more effectively.

And together, BOS-UP and Ninety (BOS-UP/90) provides the unified resources, solution, and support to help ambitious startups and small companies focus, align, and thrive by leveraging and benefiting from the essential concepts, tools, and disciplines that it takes to build, run, and scale successful companies. 

In summary, Ninety is a great software company that makes the best BOS platform.

And BOS-UP, together with our credentialed coaches, implements Ninety the best.  

BOS-UP + Ninety Testimonials